Seamus Lefroy-Brooks
BSc(hons) MSc CEng MICE CGeol FGS CEnv MIEnvSc FRGS SiLC RoGEP UK Registered Ground Engineering Adviser NQMS SQP DoWCoP QP
- Chartered Civil Engineer, Geologist and Environmentalist
- past chair of the Land Forum / National Brownfield Forum
- past chair of the AGS (Association of Geotechnical & Geoenvironmental Specialists)
- past chair of CL:AIRE TRG
- founding committee member of Society of Brownfield Risk Assessment (SoBRA)
- one of the 12 experts on the government's National Expert Panel for Land Contamination
- chair of the National Quality Mark Scheme (NQMS) for land affected by contamination
- member of the Joint Industry Working Group (JIWG) on Asbestos in Soils
- sits on various CIRIA, BSI and EIC steering groups
- one of the authors of the present BS4845 guidance relating to landfill gas
- retained as a basement and ground movement expert by several London Boroughs

Leszek Biel
MEng (Hons) CEng MICE
Leszek joined LBHGEO seven years ago on graduating as a Civil Engineer from Edinburgh University. He became an associate in 2022 and has a wide range of experience.
- Chartered Civil Engineer